5 servings of vegetables / fruit a day, this famous slogan seems prosaic. However, children are often used to certain foods and sometimes will try new ones with hesitation and very often doesn't like it. Red cabbage, how to serve it? I have tried with coleslaw - not touched, the cabbage rolls too - a lot of effort and all ended in a fiasco. I tried to make cabbage fritters inspired by recipes for babies and serving dishes using the BLW method. It was a success!
- a small head of red cabbage or half a medium-sized cabbage
- onion
- 6 tablespoons of flour of your choice
- 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- salt, pepper, fenugreek, ground cumin
- egg
Grate the cabbage and onions on a cheese grater. Transfer to a pot and pour water over it. Cook until tender. Drain and cool it down (you can cook cabbage the day before). Then mix with the egg, spices, flour and breadcrumbs. Fry in a frying pan greased with fat (e.g. rapeseed oil). I served the fritters with fried egg.